Monday, January 17, 2011

Little Albert

1. Yes. Albert was afraid of white things, including a rabit, and a santa clause mask.

2. They showed him a white rat at first. And then he became fearfull of all white fluffy things, like the rabit and the santa clause mask.

3. They paired the white rabit with something pleasant, like ice cream or special attention.

Schizophrenia and A Beautiful Mind

Maladaptive: He doesn't adapt well to college classes. He just doesn't like them so he doesn't go to them.

Unjustifiable: His hallucinations and delusions are unjustifiable. He can't explain why they're there, and why the little girl isn't getting older.

Disturbing: When he left the baby in the bath tub, to close the windows and do something one of the hallucinations wanted him to do.

Atypical: He writes all over the walls and windows, to solve things.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

reflection on "flipped" - bullying

1. Yes. we pick on people different from us and people our friends concider different too.

2. Yes, acceptable bullying is more fun and a one time deal and not really mean. Unacceptable bullying becomes old and happens a lot.

3. By me not bullying or picking on anyone. Say something if I see it happening.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams & Latent Content

One of the dreams I've had when I was younger, this is a dream I've always remembered. Me and a group of kids were in the desert in this old cabin, and a box of pizza just fell from the sky, and none of us wanted to eat it because it was poison. I've had this dream twice. The desert could represent feeling abandonment, loss or misfortune, or isolation and hopelessness. The pizza could represent lacking or feeling deprived of something, choices, or variety.

Another dream I had when younger, was I randomly was in a big, dark, room that had small clown puppets all over the walls, they were everywhere. Puppets, can represent easily swayed by others, let others control me, and feeling that I can't stand up for myself.

Another dream that I had a few days ago, was in the morning my dog, Joey, got out of the house and ran off, I didn't really care, then when I was coming home for lunch, he was lying in the middle of a random street, he wasn't dead or hurt, he was just lying there. The dog could represent loyalty, and protection.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder - Twilight Zone reaction

In the beginning I thought it was kind of weird and boring, and I couldn't see where it was going. Then when they started pulling of the bandages on her face, I thought the experiment "worked", but then someone in the class said that she was gonna be really pretty and all the nurses and doctors were gonna be ugly, so I wasn't really surprised at the end. Yes, I do think beauty is subjective, in different cultures and in different times beauty could be considered something completely different than what we think beauty is here and today. Yes I do think beauty changes, because 60 years ago girls of different body shape were considered beautiful, than the girls considered beautiful today. Here in Kimberly, beautiful is tan skin, longer hair, lots of make-up, the right kind of clothes, like the boots with fur, for girls. Guys who are attractive are guys who are tan, tall, buff.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Stanford Prison Study

Part A: Sometimes when you get into an arguement with a friend you say stuff to them you wouldn't normally say.

Part B: I believe the guards changed the most. I started to forget they were really college students. Each day the punishments they did got worse and they did more and more each day. Even thought they didn't physically hit or hurt any of the prisoners, they used many other punishments that seemed worse. I don't think real prison guards would do the things they did. They took advantage of the power they were given. I think the situation took control over their actions. Because of the situation they became bad people, but in real life they're truly good people.